Saturday, December 21, 2013

New Times

Hello, I am a dog. I have finally figured out this light box.Today, is Stayerday(I came up with that) so it is a stay-at-home day. I have three humans, two things in cages,(they look like meat, humans call them ham-ster, I have eaten ham before these don't smell the same)three fish, at lease that is what the humans call them,and one cat. Now you may be a little confused, for one,I am a dog, I should not know how to even work a key bored but I have learned from my humans. Also forgive me for my spelling and gramer I am only a dog. For two,cats hate dogs. Well, my humans take affection to there "pets". If you want to Know more, comment.AARF!


  1. Hi. I hope you have a good stayer day, Beethoven.

  2. Hi Beethoven! My name is Tim Bunny, and I am a lop-eared rabbit. I live with my people - tall man, stinky boy and the lady I love best. I asked the lady I love best to type this because, well, I don't have fingers. I am told that there are two of your kind who live outside, but we're never met. That's probably for the best, as I think they would see me much like you see the ham-sters. The lady I love tells me there are about twelve goldfish living in something they call a garden pond, but I don't really care. As long as they don't eat my lettuce and carrots, it's all good. Every night before they go to bed, the lady I love best strokes my forehead and ears until I start to fall asleep. Then, the tall man gives me a yogurt treat, I like to wait until they are in bed to hop into my cage and root around for food and drink. I'm nocturnal, and I wish my people were too. I sleep under their bed most of the day. I have to say, life here is pretty good. :)

  3. Hi Beethoven. My name is Daisy and me and my sister dog (she's not really my sister) Prissy live with three humans. There is a fourth human but she's away. The humans call it college, I think? I moved in with these humans about four months ago. I get in trouble quite a bit because I like to chew and tear things up, especially paper. My mom human brought home a box of these orange things this week. She peels them and I wanted to try one so I begged for one. She gave me one and they're delicious!!
